
Do you know what’s coming up next September 29th to October 1st? #GX24

Next September 29th though October 1st, we will be having the #GX24 in Montevideo, and you are already invited to be part of it. You may participate as of this moment with us by proposing ideas of aspects you would like to see or do at the GeneXus Meeting. Or you may also propose presenters for conferences, or even suggest topics. If you register now, you can start participating and sharing the experience with the whole GeneXus Community worldwide!

GeneXus Meetings have become the most important events in Latin America when it comes to technology business and innovation or software development. Proof of this is the popularity and growth that the meetings have gained through time, mostly in the number of attendants, which implies over 3,500 people arriving from all parts of the world, including news reporters from all over the region.
With 23 editions to our credit already, we are now in search for conferences and presenters for the upcoming 24th edition. If you are interested in presenting a 30-minute conference at the Meeting, this is your chance to register at Call For Speakers.
As well, for suggesting us your ideas, this is the site to visit.
As of now, you can already register here and also invite your friends, to start adding up until September 29th.
TravelersInfo: After your registration, you can already book your hotels that offer exclusive benefits and discounts for travelers attending the #GX24.

We are counting on you!