
GeneXus 16 Upgrade 7 has been released

This upgrade is compatible with iOS XCode 11.3, and it includes enhancements regarding performance for Web, Mobile and GXflow developments.

Upgrade 7 of GeneXus 16 adds flexibility to demanding user experiences (UX) in both web and mobile, and also to model security aspects in applications in order to define complex systems. This upgrade also includes enhancements in scalability for GXflow, among other improvements and corrections. 

Aspects to consider in U7 GeneXus 16 U7:

Web: this upgrade includes the Canvas control for absolute positioning design in web layouts.
GAM for Mobile: enables GAM users to access the app through biometric authentication of the device used. 
MercadoPago API for Mobile: Upgrade 7 includes the mobile environment for checkout in MercadoPago.
Mobile: News for both Android (see: Dark mode, Google Mobile Ads and URL Services) and iOS (see: Select files from different sources
In what regards news about UX, along with this upgrade, new versions of the mobile app from the GX29 GeneXus Meeting are being released, for both Android and iOS. They include support for Dark Mode, in addition to other enhancements and corrections. Furthermore, an update was done on the public KB of the project that involves the apps from the GX29 Meeting, together with all implementations for these new versions. 
Compatibility with XCode 11.3: Support for XCode 11.3 is already available. This page from the GeneXus Community Wiki tells you about the  iOS requirements.

This update in our low-code technology also brings along enhancements and news about compatibility for GXflow and the Chatbots generator. Read –and download– all the technical notes in the GeneXus Community Wiki article:  Upgrade 7 for GeneXus 16.

Dark Mode  | GX29 GeneXus Meeting