
Free Webinars: discover the online resources available on our new website!

In GeneXus Webinars you will find several opportunities to learn about application development, GeneXus updates, Low-code, innovation, digital marketing and more.

The GeneXus team and its partners have joined efforts to provide open online training to the global community through GeneXus Webinars.

The platform, which can be accessed through the link, is composed of a series of short and free videos, offered in English, Spanish or Portuguese, which can be watched live, prior registration, with the possibility of asking questions and interacting with the speakers. In this case you must select the course or courses you wish to take from the range of options in the Coming soon section. Registered participants will receive an e-mail with all the information about the course and confirmation of registration. Minutes before the session takes place, they will receive another e-mail as a reminder of the event. These seminars are updated every month.

Those who wish to watch the recorded sessions, can do so as often as they like and at the time that suits them best from the Available webinars section.

Learning and developing new skills, at no cost, is now possible with GeneXus Webinars.