WEC | The little fish that ate the big fish with low-code

WEC | The little fish that ate the big fish with low-code

  • #GeneXusStories
With the implementation of innovative ideas based on the use of technology, World Express Cargo de México (WEC) has positioned itself, in only 4 years, as the leading company among the 18 bonded warehouses that provide services for the handling, storage and custody of foreign trade goods at the Mexico City International Airport Customs.

However, at first they encountered some challenges, because they began operating under a leased system that restricted them in many ways. That situation led them to try to develop their own system in .NET and to embark on a long process, full of failures and setbacks.
Finally, someone told them about GeneXus. “At first we were skeptical. We started developing the system in GeneXus with two developers and, as the project progressed, we were surprised because it didn't follow the usual development process and the iterations were much shorter. On the day of implementation, we experienced the first problem but unlike with other platforms, we were able to solve it within 7 minutes,” says Raúl Hinojosa, Chief Technology Officer at WEC.

Thanks to GeneXus, WEC is currently the only warehouse in the country that uses electronic waybills, and the only one that provides a mobile application for customers to manage all their operations. As a result, it has been the fastest warehouse to implement business solutions with more than 130,000 transactions per month.

 Find out why low-code is the key to grow among giants.