A Design System-based Tool to Create a great User Experience while Increasing your Team's Productivity

About this Deep Dive

A few decades ago, building software was relatively simple: centralized and isolated systems, limited technology, and expert users, resulted in applications that were simpler to build. With the advancement of technology and the invasion of software in all human activities, modern applications today must be very sophisticated, diverse and users are no longer a few experts, we are all users. Making these new applications is increasingly complex.

The question is: Who is going to deal with that complexity? Today we cannot transfer that complexity to our users, but neither to our developers.

For this reason, from GeneXus and K2BTools the mission is: to simplify software development to the maximum, to make applications increasingly sophisticated, in an increasingly simple way. In this video we will talk about K2BTools, a tool based on Design Systems that allows you to create applications with excellent user experiences, hiding complexity and increasing team productivity.

About the speaker

  • Federico Dominioni

    Technical Manager | K2B Tools