Success story
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Maximizing time in the working day

The National Committee for the Defense of Users of Financial Institutions (“Comisión Nacional para la Defensa de los Usuarios de las Instituciones Financieras” - CONDUSEF) is a government agency that reports to the Mexican Finance and Public Credit Secretariat whose purpose are preventive and corrective actions to be taken in relation to financial services. In collaboration with Bis Solutions, the Committee has implemented a comprehensive system called SIIE (“Sistema Integral de Informes Ejecutivos” – Integral System for Executive Reports) aimed at standardizing the development of that area’s applications in web environment, and at providing users with a more efficient service that includes earlier delivery dates. 

Previously, the entity used Visual Basic 6.0, php, Access, and then decided to solve the development with GeneXus X. That decision was founded on the fact that GeneXus is a tool that, besides enabling the programming and prompt release of web applications, implies advantages relative to the easy connection to various types of databases, and makes the programming of forms and screens –inserts, deletions and changes– much quicker than the code programming method. 
This system, meant for high management positions, is a dynamic and easy-to-use application that allows for a fast capture and follow-up of CONDUSEF’s reports, among other features.
Thanks to this solution implemented by BIS for the Mexican government services, it is now possible to save time on performing everyday activities with the help of up-to-date technology that has replaced manual work and duplications.
According to the Systems Director at CONDUSEF, the experience of working with GeneXus implies gains in productivity: “Prior to acquiring GeneXus, the release of applications used to take much longer. Now, we have released five applications in less than six months, with four GeneXus developers. And users have access to applications that are easy to use because they are in web environment”. Among other aspects, García Mora pointed out database management, scalability and the possibility of developing applications in the short term as the most outstanding and valuable features. 
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