Small Self-Contained Vehicles and Automation 4.0

About this webinar

Technology evolves and changes our reality faster and faster, everything is transformed. The last two decades have probably been the most transformative in our routine. The evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), together with the appearance of smaller and more functional devices connected to the Internet, have made our behaviours and ways of seeing life totally different from those of previous generations.
Technology accelerates and therefore will further revolutionize our reality. In particular, the concept of "Automation 4.0" (or fourth industrial revolution) introduces new forms of connectivity via IoT and connects them to the Internet to achieve self-connected and autonomous industrial processes using the underlying infrastructure.
In this webinar, we focus on describing what the development of small autonomous vehicles implies in this new context, the challenges it poses at all levels from hardware, through software, related technologies, processes and associated services.

About the instructor

  • Luciano Silvera

    System Engineer at GeneXus