
“Dream Digital” #GX26 was declared an event of Ministerial, Municipal and Touristic interest

Apart from being in the software business, we also build global culture. 

Whereas the annual GeneXus Meetings have been taking place regularly for the past 25 years, covering a vast agenda that includes topics ranging from software development to marketing aspects, and including subjects like corporate management and entrepreneurship;


Whereas the magnitude of such meetings represents a window of significance both for learning purposes and for the exchange and update of knowledge meant to broaden the frontiers for the application and inclusion of cutting-edge technological advances in the region; and 


Considering the effects of this type of activities, and their meaningful contribution to a widespread and strong use and application of technological tools, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Uruguay, Ms. María Julia Muñoz, has resolved as follows:

1) That the event organized in the city of Montevideo for September 26th through 28th  2016 under the name of “26th GeneXus International Meeting” be declared a matter of interest of this Ministry.


2) That  the declaration made in this act shall not imply any kind of expenditure to be incurred by the National Treasury.


3) That the petitioner submit an assessment report relative to the activity referred, with all necessary documentation to back up the effects of such activity on society.


4) That the interested party be notified hereof, and that the General Director’s Office of this Ministry, the Innovation, Science and Technology Office for Development, and the Communications Department  be informed accordingly, following which this resolution should be eventually filed.

Electr. 2246/016



María Julia Muñoz (Ph.D)

Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay