
Upgrade 1 of GeneXus 9.0

GeneXus 9.0 upgrade 1 released offers new features for Java, .Net, Net Mobile generators and for the Development Environment. As usual, GeneXus developers may use these new features without the need to learn new concepts.

Among other features, GeneXus Upgrade 1 for .Net generator offers the possibility of generating and reading Excel spreadsheets on the Web without the need to install Office in the server, which may also be used in a Win environment.

Additionally, a new Data Provider for ADO.NET was added by including the possibility of using Oracle's data provider, in addition to Microsoft's, for connecting to Oracle. Features that improve application performance were also added.

Besides, both the .Net and the Java generator benefit from the possibility of printing pdf reports on the Web directly from the navigator to the printer connected to the client PC. It is also possible to perform this as default action. Since there are reports that, by their nature, need to be printed and not only viewed on the screen -either because they are spreadsheets to be filled with data, or because they are reports that require further study, etc- it is now possible to send the printing from the navigator to a machine close to the client, even if it is not connected to the server.

It is also important to highlight the implementation of calls to Stored Procedures in different datastores with the possibility of indicating the type of data and the mode of the SPs parameters. Besides, we included the possibility of using shortcuts in the keyboard for Web. And now, it is possible to execute events associated to keys with Alt +'character' in Web forms, as in Win forms.

Also, with this upgrade 1 generation times in the Java generator are highly improved due to the optimization in the generation of objects containing SDTs in the form, as well as those containing dynamic combos.

Additionally, among other features, Upgrade 1 for .Net Mobile generator includes the implementation of transaction setting properties at the transaction level; the implementation of Filed Exit and Esc key function properties, and the implementation of MSG nowait.

As for the Development Environment, GeneXus 9.0 upgrade 1 for Development Environment adds two new specification controls for generators that do not support the definition of Suggest or conditioned DynCombos in the control properties. Additionally, a warning message was incorporated in case a logical subordination cannot be resolved, to facilitate the task of finding the error. As for searches in the editors, the possibility of performing backward search was added.

For more information on GeneXus 9.0 Upgrade 1 go to:




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