
The future, a personal view. Eng. Breogán Gonda

'Who am I to talk about this?' ARTech's president, with more than 40 years in the area, started asking at the closing conference at the XI GeneXus Users' Meeting. Gonda reaffirmed the tendency towards a multiserver architecture ...

Gonda reaffirmed the tendency towards a multiserver architecture, Internet's leading role that will be all the applications' target in the next years and the space where new types of servers that will offer multiple Web servers (electronic commerce, charts quotations) based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML) that will take us to the universalizing of the relational database. XML is a scheme of auto-descriptive messages that provides new possibilities in the Web, Gonda outlined. Moreover, the computing industry counts on a protocol for communicating programs (SOAP) that Microsoft initially launched and that IBM adopted three months ago. And there is more, he continued, because the communication with relational databases by using XML/SQL is also possible.
Regarding the relational databases, he outlined that in the last 30 years we have talked and we have developed relational databases, and at short term, we will see multi database transactions based on XML, as well as multi enterprise transactions (B2B) that claim for the need of communicating freely with each other. 
On the other hand, although the last 50 years of the computer sciences have had synchrony as a premise, we will now see a scheme of asynchronic transactions and without a lock, which I expect to implement this year, Gonda announced. He went through the history of the last 37 years, since the operative systems where invented, which were even more than 200 and were debugged after a war that IBM corporation won. Nowadays, there are six operative systems and he included Java among them. The other five are the property systems of IBM OS/390 and IBM OS/400, and Microsoft Windows. We also count on an open system, Unix, created by AT&T and an open source system: Linux, which he described as an operative system, a copy of Unix, which people perform without the aim of getting benefits and with a religious fanaticism.
With respect to Java and .Net, Gonda outlined that there are no major conceptual differences, because both of them look for the same: the display to be easy and the automatic maintenance of the applications at the 'Clients' working stations.
Regarding GeneXus future, the clients will continue to reuse all their knowledge because we keep on working with the pure knowledge, Gonda stated. 
GeneXus supports Java and .Net, and uses XML, which is the great tool, he stated. 
On the other hand, Gonda outlined that it is necessary to get used to the times, to satisfy the clients with GeneXus technology as well as to sell GeneXus.
ARTech's President renewed his bet for the GeneXus community synergy, which gathers more than 20 thousand people that live around this tool, 700 enterprises of full GeneXus software and has more than 3000 clients. In Uruguay, there are more than 400 enterprises with full GeneXus software and more than 2000 people live around GeneXus.

XI International GeneXus Users Meeting
GeneXus users' Meeting site
XI GeneXus Users' International Meeting
Attendance success!
What we heard in the conferences
The capacity of learning, a necessity of these times
Technical information library
Technical area personalization
The future, a personal view. Eng. Breogán Gonda
The future, 20 years after the PC
GeneXus Users Meeting in Chile
II GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru
II GeneXus Users Meeting in Peru.
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Material from the XIV GeneXus International Meeting