
GXportal 4.2: Scrollbars and Marquee by Sector

In order to take advantage of the space available for content publishing on a Web page, GXportal 4.2 permits to use standard scrollbars, advanced scrollbars and scroll text, in each sector.

This new version offers more properties for the sectors that make up pages developed in GXportal. These properties allow taking advantage of the space occupied by the sectors thus making it possible to present more information in the space provided by the page design. For this, you can define standard scrollbars, advanced scrollbars and marquee in a sector.

When defining scrollbars in a sector, a specific height is determined for that sector, and if the contents exceed that height, then vertical scrollbars are displayed.

Regarding standard scrollbars, they are viewed and operate in the same way as the scrollbars we know from Windows, with the possibility of changing the color of the buttons and scroll bars.

As far as advanced scrollbars are concerned, you can use images and colors to set, among other things, the look of the buttons and scroll bars. It is also possible to set scrolling speed, and that scrolling is made when pressing buttons or hovering the mouse over them.

The marquee enables to set continuous movement of the sector contents both horizontally and vertically. Among other things it is possible to configure the speed and the direction in which contents will be moved as well as the stop when moving the mouse over the sector.


Product Catalogue in GXportal 4.2
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