
Ask Me Anything: AMAs calendar & More than 40 new videos on software | GeneXus Live Enterprise Low-Code

The entire contents of the Event are available at and can be viewed in 3 languages. In addition, there are 40 videos that dive deeper into different aspects of software.

At there is also a calendar available to register for the upcoming AMAs (Ask me Anything) that GeneXus will offer —from October 26 to December 16— about the following topics:

* November 03
Deployment (On-Premise, Cloud, AWS, Azure, etc.)
Platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) can be combined with GeneXus to build mission-critical and scalable solutions. This is an excellent opportunity to accelerate application development, reducing costs and efforts.



* November 04 
Business Process Management
Do you want to optimize production times, improve performance and profitability, and make your software solutions flexible in the face of change? This is all possible with GeneXus™ Business Process Modeler, the system for modeling, optimizing and exporting processes in the fastest way.
In this session, you will learn about all the benefits of this tool for developers and companies.

* November 09

Those who design applications need access to reports and statistics to help them make decisions.
To obtain results in a more visual and dynamic way, and make data easier to understand, we offer GeneXus™ Query, the GeneXus™ reporting tool with a convenient ""drag & drop"" system of filters and variables to access the data you need to make better decisions.
This will be a great opportunity for you to clear your doubts with our experts.

* November 11
GeneXus For SAP Systems
Two SAP experts from GeneXus: Eugenio García (GeneXus for SAP Systems Product Manager) and Luis Murillo (SAP Program Manager), will be talking live and answering questions about everything related to GeneXus For SAP Systems – the fastest way to develop customized native applications that use Machine Learning, integrate with SAP® S/4HANA and run on SAP Cloud Platform.

* November 16
GAM GeneXus Access Manager: Authentication & Authorization

Many applications require systems that can authenticate and authorize users and objects. To manage these needs we have GeneXus Access Manager (GAM), a security module that works for web and mobile applications.
With GAM, security controls are performed automatically. In this session, we will describe its most relevant features and answer your questions in real time

* November 18
Security (DevSecOps, SCA, security of mission-critical systems)

The shortage of cybersecurity professionals has boosted the use of increased automation in IT security processes.
According to consulting firm Gartner, ""automated security tasks can be performed much faster, in a scalable way and with fewer errors.""
Building and maintaining secure solutions automatically is part of GeneXus' offering.
In this online session, our panel of experts will answer questions about how to deploy secure applications using GeneXus.

* November 23
DesignOps & Design

In the age of user experience and digital transformation, there is a growing need to combine design with software development. And not just any design, but quality design.

What does GeneXus offer to address these challenges in the best way possible? Mauro Canziani (Head Of Design), Damián Salvia (R+D), and Federico Salomón (programmer) will talk about these and other topics in this interactive session, where you will be able to share your doubts and comments.

* November 25
Geo Maps, GeoCities & More

GeneXus 17 can implement maps to represent data that has geographic components, and generate Geo Reports of the entire world, a country, or a specific continent (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America).

We also have Choropleth and Bubble thematic maps, which can be adapted according to the user's representation needs.

* December 02


GeneXus' Angular front-end generator has a service-based architecture with Panels generating code that run on web browsers. In addition, they communicate with the back end to send and receive data through REST services, creating a dynamic information flow.

Your goal? To develop modern, fast, and high performance web applications with excellent User Experience.

* December 07
Web Frontend Development

What's new in front-end web development with GeneXus? Learn about our plans to ensure ongoing support for technological changes and continue having a positive impact on the User Interface and Experience.

* December 09

Super Apps, Mini Apps and Mini-programs

What do you need to know about Super Apps, Mini Apps and Mini Programs? What's the difference between them? What are they for? In China, they are booming. Companies like Alibaba, TikTok, and WeChat are already part of this trend. Join this meeting and find out more from our experts.

* December 14

Knowledge Base Modeling for Mission-critical Systems

In this live session, GeneXus experts will exchange views on modeling complex systems, including systems and subsystems. They will also discuss experiences, tools, leading practices, and more.

* December 16
Roadmap 2022


GeneXus Live Enterprise Low-Code: 40 new content is also available!


- State of the Art: GeneXus 17
- The Power of Design
- Software Development
- DevOps
- Super Apps
- Mission-critical Systems
- Business Process Automation
- Design Systems​​​​​​