
Official support to GeneXus tag in StackOverflow

The GeneXus Community joins StackOverflow, the site that is world leader in Q&A, with intelligent questions and answers aimed at increasing the synergy with the community of software developers worldwide.

GeneXus decided to support the active participation of its Community in StackOverflow under the GeneXus tag.
The initiative started some years ago, and it is increasingly evident that online communities benefit from the advantages of permanent connectivity, advancing further than less-connected communities which base their contacts exclusively on e-mail messages. Additionally, there is a greater maturity in stackoverflow, but the key aspects in this new strategy are the maturity reached by GeneXus in its recently released Evolution 3, and the growing reputation of members of the Community and Artech, like matiash, who in the second week of June managed to be among the top 15 in the community (Source).
And what language do we speak in?
The exclusive language of is English, but it is part of StackExchange, a global network and platform for questions and answers where different communities have a context for interchange on a variety of subjects where different languages are used. So, in relation to the subject of software development, the site was created in Portuguese for all those interested. Other languages are coming up, such as Spanish, currently under construction in Area51.
You are all invited to take part in this site with questions and answers about developing with GeneXus as a way of providing the worldwide community of software development with knowledge about what we know most: developing mission critical corporate software solutions, mobile or web, based on knowledge, multi-platform and also future proof.
The steps to follow are:
  1. Create an account at o
  2. Find possible previous answers to the question that will be made:  (English)  (Portuguese)
And then ask or answer, depending on your needs and will!
About StackOverflow
Stackoverflow is a site leader in the Q&A category, with 7.4 million questions and 13 million answers regarding professional software development issues. However, its main feature is not quantity but rather quality. It is regulated by the developers’ community and has proven to be a system of excellent reputation which encourages everyone to make important, high-quality questions or provide equally significant answers.